Wednesday 7 March 2012

Economically irrational Wayne Swan

Created 10.16 am Wednesday 7/3/12
Economic Irrationalism and Wayne Swan

The treasurer's economically irrational, politically ignorant, contemptuously illiterate overtures to the oligarchy of the left  are not as notable as the heroic efforts of his nemesis' - then Prime Minister Rudd's discordant 6000 word dirge ex 2009.

Kevin wrote favourably about the virtues of George Soros. K07's discordant dirge  was favourably reviewed by self - claimed economic neophite Robert Manne.
It was awesome -  in the teenager sense of the word - to contemplate that Rudd will win the race to the bottom 
that his party is running a book on.

Gillard is a brilliant amateur though - she does not write much.
The term 'foot - in - mouth' was surely coined for her.
She is the favourite to becoming the worst leader of any political party anywhere.

Geoff Seidner
13 Alston Grove
East St Kilda 3183
03 9525 9299

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